The file  .pages couldn’t be openedI recently installed OSX Yosemite 10.10 on my Macbook Pro and ran into a The file pages couldn’t be opened error each time I tried opening a pages document stored on iCloud.
After Googling a bit I discovered that this error “The file  pages couldn’t be opened”  and a similar problem with Numbers documents has been plaguing many people.

First I tried some of the fixes suggested in the Apple Discussions forums which involved signing out of iCloud then signing in again – this didn’t work for me and I continually got “The file  pages couldn’t be opened” each time I tried to open a Pages document from iCloud.

My fix for how to solve The file  pages couldn’t be opened error with Pages documents in iCloud:

After checking I was all up to date with my software (I’m running Pages 5.5.1) I tried the old faithful Repair Disk Permissions in Disk utility

I still had the “The file  pages couldn’t be opened” error…

However, after a restart the error went away

I’d be curious to know if anyone else has success with the same procedure, let me know!
